Heuser, Laura
Short Bio
Laura Heuser is a research associate and PhD candidate at the Humanitarian Operations and Supply Chain Management (HumOSCM) Lab since autumn 2020.
Laura holds a B.Sc. in mechanical engineering and business administration and a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen, Germany. During her bachelor studies she spent an exchange semester at the National University of Singapore (NUS). In her bachelor thesis she examined the use of machine learning in the field of remanufacturing. During her master studies she focused on medical engineering. In her master thesis she developed a concept for a robotic system for the sterilization of used operation instruments in hospitals including a detailed risk analysis.
Laura gained various practical experience. She did an internship at Deutsche Post DHL Group, Bonn, Germany in Corporate Controlling and at Stryker, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany in Advanced Operations in the field of medical products and robotics. Furthermore she has worked as a research assistant at FEV during her bachelors and Fraunhofer IPT during her masters.