APICS 2011 George and Marion Plossl Research Fellowship for René Kemmerling
René Kemmerling, doctoral student at the Chair of Logistics Management, has been selected by APICS as the Winner of the 2011 George and Marion Plossl Dissertation Fellowship.
Prof. Wagner nominated as Associate Editor for Journal of Business Logistics
Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner has been newly nominated as Associate Editor for the Journal of Business Logistics.
EDSI Best Paper Award for Prof. Wagner, Dr. Bode, and Prof. Zacharia
The paper "What Drives Supplier-Driven Innovation?" co-authored by Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner, Dr. Christoph Bode, and Prof. Zach G. Zacharia received the overall best paper award of the 2nd Annual European Decision Sciences (EDSI) Conference hosted by EBS Business School in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany.
Kuehne Foundation supports the Chair of Logistics Management with 4.4 million Swiss Francs
Prof. Dr.h.c. Klaus-Michael Kühne announced during the Kuehne Logistics Day that the Kuehne Foundation will provide the ETH Zurich with 1.1 million Swiss Francs over the next four years to support the Chair of Logistics Management of Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner.
Article by Prof. Wagner and Dr. Bode identified as “New Hot Paper” by Thomson Reuters
An article published 2008 by Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner and Dr. Christoph Bode in the Journal of Business Logistics has been identified by Thomson Reuters Essential Science IndicatorsSM as a featured “New Hot Paper” in the field of Economics & Business.
Best reviewer award from Omega for Prof. Wagner