ETH partners with the Kuehne Foundation to improve the reach of humanitarian logistics

In April, Bublu Thakur-Weigold and Jonas Stumpf (Program Director, Kuehne Foundation - NUS HumLog Centre), held a session of ETH Zurich's humanitarian supply chain simulation for government officials of the ASEAN countries.

Workshop at the ASEAN AHA Centre
Workshop at the ASEAN AHA Centre
Workshop at the University of Philippines Manila
Workshop at the University of Philippines Manila

The Download workshop (PDF, 145 KB) was integrated into the ASEAN external page AHA Centre, and hosted by WFP. Another workshop was delivered at the external page University of Philippines Manila to relief workers from various organizations, including Taifoon Yolanda and World Vision. These sessions followed up a number of trainings held for IHOs in Geneva, Rome, Nairobi, and Juba. Bublu and Jonas continue to adapt commercial and academic teaching material to the conditions of emergency relief work, improving its impact and the use of scarce resources.

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