Prof. Wagner receives two Best Associate Editor Awards

At the 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, two leading journals honored Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner for his consistent and exemplary service to the operation and supply chain management community.

JSCM Award for Prof. Wagner
Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner receives the Best Associate Editor Award of the Journal of Supply Chain Management
JOM Award
Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner receives the Best Associate Editor Award of the Journal of Operations Management

On August 2, he received the 2013 Best Associate Editor Award from the Co-Editors-in-Chief of the external page Journal of Supply Chain Management, Professor Craig R. Carter (Arizona State University) and Professor Lisa M. Ellram (Miami University). On August 3, the 2013 Best Associate Editor Award from the external page Journal of Operations Management was handed over by the Co-Editor-in-Chief Thomas Y. Choi (Arizona State University).

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