Stefan Kurpjuweit received the OSCM division’s Best Student Paper Award at the AOM annual meeting.
At the 2018, 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago, Stefan Kurpjuweit, research associate and Ph.D. candidate at the Chair of Logistics Management, was acknowledged with the award for the OSCM division’s best student paper.
Entitled “Partnering with New Venture Suppliers: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach”, Stefan Kurpjuweit’s paper investigates how large firms can partner effectively with new venture suppliers. The results reveal how established firms need to adapt their traditional supplier management practices to successfully integrate startups into their supply base.
At each annual meeting of the Academy of Management, the Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) division offers an award for the best student paper. The finalists are selected from submitted papers whose primary author is a Ph.D. student. For the year 2018, three of the four finalists were Ph.D. students from the Chair of Logistics Management. Besides Stefan, also Dagmar Reinerth and Ivana Mateska were selected. We congratulate all three for their excellent work.