Prof. Wagner in the F.A.Z. ranking of economists 2019

The fifth time in a row, the recent “F.A.Z.-Ökonomenranking 2019” (ranking of economists) included Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner again as an influential economist in the category “research”.

Enlarged view: FAZ Ranking

Who has influence in media, politics and research? The results of the external page F.A.Z.-Ökonomenranking 2019 answers this question. Annually, the F.A.Z. (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) publishes a ranking of economists from institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The F.A.Z. is the German newspaper with the widest circulation abroad and is delivered to 148 countries.

In the category “research”, Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner appears among the top-50 economists. Among the top-50 are more ETH Zurich scholars, namely Prof. Dr. Peter Egger (Professor of Applied Economics and KOF), Prof. Dr. Freddy Delbaen (Professor of Financial Mathematics), and Prof. Dr. Paul Embrechts (Professor of Mathematics and RiskLab).

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