Executive seminar with visits to Bossard and Migrolino
Logistics professionals spent two days in a seminar at the Chair of Logistics Management, and discussed topics and gained practical experience around purchasing and supplier management, digitalization, and retail distribution.
A select group of logistics professionals organized by the external page Kühne Logistics University visited our chair on October 10-11 as part of the seminar “European Network Management for Logistics Processes” or the ENLoP-Seminar. The cooperation between ETH Zurich and the NetloP/ENLoP seminars looks back on over a decade of intellectual exchange. This year’s ENLoP cohort included managers from Lufthansa Cargo, Stora Enso, Jones Lang LaSalle, Swiss, Hapag Lloyd, Bohnen Logistik, Bertschi, Hilti, and BSH Hausgeräte. Hosted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner, Dr. Christoph Schmidt, and Bublu Thakur-Weigold, the group discussed topics around purchasing and supplier management with a deep dive into the digital technologies which are changing that space. On Friday, we visited local innovative companies: external page Bossard provided a demonstration of its Smart Factory Logistics services led by the company’s CTO Urs Güttinger and global lead of SFL, Marion Keller. This was followed by a tour of external page Migrolino’s distribution center led by our MBA ETH SCM alumnus Roman Schneeberger. Tackling current topics ranging from blockchain to Bossard’s IoT-based automation of last mile logistics, to the agile, small-lot distribution strategy of Migrolino made for an intense learning and networking experience.