Michael Wolf won the prestigious master thesis award „REHAU Preis Wirtschaft 2019“

Michael Wolf, a graduate of ETH’s MTEC Master program, wrote the award-receiving thesis at the Chair of Logistics Management in winter 2018/19. He investigated machine learning (ML) approaches in order to optimize conventional forecasting methodologies.

Rehau Preis II

The master thesis was a joint project with external page GenLots, an ETH-spinoff that dates back to research conducted at the Chair of Logistics Management. As part of the thesis, Michael Wolf developed and implemented an integrated procurement-forecasting tool, which is able to compare the performance of distinct ML and conventional forecasting approaches.

Rehau is a Swiss company that produces polymer-based solutions for construction, automotive and other industries. The REHAU Preis Wirtschaft is awarded each year to authors of outstanding Master theses in economics and related fields that enable the transfer of knowledge from research to practice.

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