Fabian Alber awarded the prestigious “Wissenschaftspreis 2021” for his outstanding master’s thesis
Fabian Alber’s thesis – written at the Chair of Logistics Management – entitled “The Influence of Innovative Last-Mile Logistics Services on Customer's Buying Decisions” was awarded the “Wissenschaftspreis 2021” by EHI Foundation and GS1 Germany, which is endowed with 5000 €.
Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Wagner and Felix Bergmann, M.Sc., Fabian Alber examined the influence of last-mile logistics services on the purchase decision of e-commerce customers. He raises the question whether online stores can distinguish themselves through the last-mile logistics services they offer. In his thesis, Fabian Alber concludes that the preferences of online shoppers regarding delivery options are very heterogeneous and that the attributes “shipping costs”, “delivery location” and “delivery speed” have the greatest influence on customers’ purchasing decisions. With the help of an additional scenario analysis, online stores can review the logistics service portfolio they offer to their customers and analyze how changes to this portfolio affect the conversion rate and their own economic situation.
With the “Wissenschaftspreis 2021”, external page EHI Foundation and external page GS1 Germany honor young scientists for their outstanding pioneering work with high relevance for the retail and consumer goods industries. There were a total of 70 nominations in the four categories and the submissions focused on highly topical issues such as sustainability, e-commerce, logistics, local commerce, artificial intelligence and online marketing.
We would like to congratulate Fabian Alber on winning the “Wissenschaftspreis 2021” and thank him for his extraordinary work.