Interview with SWI on Shortages and Disruptions in Supply Chains
Given the extensive work on supply chain risk over the past 15 years, Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner was asked for an interview by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation’s (SRF) online channel SWI
It is only one industry in Switzerland, albeit an emotional one: Ski manufacturers suffer from shortages and disruptions in supply chains, which might be a critical issue for skiers and ski mountaineers. More broadly, shortages of raw materials and logistics bottlenecks have made 2021 a tough year for Swiss manufacturers, and contributed to a downgrade in the government’s GDP growth forecast for the economy next year.
SWI, the multilingual news and information platform produced by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRF) interviewed Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner. Besides challenges such as a lack of transparency, demand- and supply side uncertainties, or complex and globalized value chains, “[s]upply chain risk management involves costs, and it does not make money if nothing bad happens.” Hence, supply chain risk management must be viewed as a strategic investment and an investment that secures future and sustainable business.
Read the full-length article external page “In global supply chain crisis, even Swiss skis are counting the cost” and chose among ten languages, from English to Russian.
Much of what companies should have done and now have the opportunity to do again has been studied by Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner and his team over the years. Some key publications that companies and public policy decision makers should read are:
-Bode, Christoph and Wagner, Stephan M. (2015): Drivers of Upstream Supply Chain Complexity and the Frequency of Supply Chain Disruptions, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 36, May, pp. 215-228, external page doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2014.12.004
-Wagner, Stephan M. and Silveira-Camargos, Victor (2012): Managing Risks in Just-in-Sequence Supply Networks: Exploratory Evidence From Automakers, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 59, No. 2, February, pp. 52-64, external page doi: 10.1109/TEM.2010.2087762
-Bode, Christoph/Wagner, Stephan M./Petersen, Kenneth J./Ellram, Lisa M. (2011): Understanding Responses to Supply Chain Disruptions: Insights from Information Processing and Resource Dependence Perspectives, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 54, No. 4, August, pp. 833-856, external page doi: 10.5465/AMJ.2011.64870145
-Zsidisin, George A. and Wagner, Stephan M. (2010): Do Perceptions Become Reality? The Moderating Role of Supply Risk Resiliency on Disruption Occurrence, Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 1-20, external page doi: 10.1002/j.2158-1592.2010.tb00140.x