February 4, 2022: POMS College of Operational Excellence (OpEx) on “Just-in-Time”

Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner will serve as a panelist on the 2nd POMS College of Operational Excellence (OpEx) Webinar entitled “Just-in-Time or Just-in-Case?” on February 4, 2022. Registration via the event page.

Enlarged view: JIT

Demand and supply shocks during the pandemic have created disruptions at many levels of the supply chain. Many writers in the popular press suggest that Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing has exacerbated bullwhip effects and resulting product shortages. Is JIT to blame? What aspects of JIT make operations more or less resilient? An international panel will discuss these questions and associated opportunities for research. The external page College of Operational Excellence of the external page Production and Operations Management Society organized a webinar to shed light on the topic.

The panel consist of external page Prof. Dr. Thomas Choi (Arizona State University), external page Prof. Dr. Nanda Sanders (Northeastern University), external page Prof. Dr. Mohan Sodhi (City University of London) and Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner (ETH Zurich). The panel will be moderated by external page Prof. Dr. Rachna Shah (University of Minnesota).

This webinar is free of charge. Please register your interest and post any questions on this external page event page.

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