Prof. Wagner concludes his 10-year tenure in the Board of

From 2013 to 2023, Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner was member of the board of the Swiss national purchasing association – Fachverband für Einkauf und Supply Management. With the general assembly 2023, his last term ended.

Enlarged view: Frühjahrstagung

external page offers an excellent and wide-ranging professional network and various services to its over 1900 corporate and individual members. At the core are fundamental and further education courses, seminars and inhouse-trainings on procurement, international trade, contracting, negotiation, digital procurement, sustainable procurement, public procurement, just to name a few. Furthermore, is responsible for the Swiss national exams for buyers and procurement leaders (“eidgenössische Prüfungen”). As Member of the external page Board of, Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner helped shape the strategy and support the growth of the association.

The articles of association of procure.chFachverband für Einkauf und Supply Management allow for a maximum board tenure of 10 years. He was first elected in 2013 and re-elected four times.

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