HumOSCMLab reports results of successful project implementation at ICRC conference

HumOSCMLab's Bublu Thakur-Weigold, and Samah El Sayed Mohamad, of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), presented the results of their successful collaboration at the 2024 "Bridging the Gap" conference.

Supply Chain Optimization: Addressing Critical Challenges

The ICRC, with its central logistics supply center in Geneva, Switzerland delivers medical supplies to health facilities in conflict zones. This is no easy task. Long lead times and logistical bottlenecks can cause delays, making it difficult and costly to move supplies to where they are urgently needed. As is often the case in humanitarian logistics, sending too little can lead to stockouts of life-saving items. Sending too much can create overstocks, which must be disposed of at high (unfunded) cost to the organization.

To tackle these typical humanitarian supply chain challenges, the ICRC joined forces with ETH’s HumOSCMLab to apply research findings to their case. The results have been remarkable. In his opening remarks, ICRC’s vice president Prof. Gilles Carbonnier cited this project as an example of successful implementation of science in the service of humanitarian work.  

For more details, listen to the video below:

If you are interested in the entire event, you can find a recoding of it here:  

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