Chair team wins JBL / Bernard J. LaLonde Best Paper Award 2022
A team from the Chair of Logistics Management received the prestigious Journal of Business Logistics Best Paper Award in recognition for its work on how two disruptive technologies – additive manufacturing and blockchain – can create value in supply chains.
The study on external page “Blockchain in Additive Manufacturing and its Impact on Supply Chains” was recognized as the winner of the 2022 external page Bernard J. La Londe Best Paper Award. The external page Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) presents the Bernard J. LaLonde Best Paper Award to the most valuable paper published in the Journal of Business Logistics. The award was presented by the Co-Editors-in Chief at the 2022 Annual EDGE Supply Chain Conference in Nashville, TN.
The study sheds light on how additive manufacturing (AM) and blockchain technology can be integrated to create value for firms and supply chains. Opportunities are related to intellectual property (IP) rights management, the monitoring of printed parts throughout their lifecycle, process improvements, and data security. More importantly, the study also lays out adoption barriers firms need to overcome, and how supply chains will be affected by the integration of these two potentially disruptive technologies.
The Journal of Business Logistics publishes empirical work that advances knowledge and science and stimulates greater thought and effort in the fields of logistics and supply chain management. With a Thomson-Reuters ISI Impact Factor impact factor of 7.875 (2021) and its continued impact on practice, the journal is a flagship journal for empirical research in logistics and supply chain.
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner, Dr. Christoph Schmidt, Dr. Maximilian Klöckner, and Dr. Stefan Kurpjuweit.